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Grouping routes for RPC

If you want to enable type inference for multiple apps correctly, you can use app.route() as follows.

Pass the value returned from methods like app.get() or to the second argument of app.route().

import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { hc } from 'hono/client'

const authorsApp = new Hono()
  .get('/', (c) => c.json({ result: 'list authors' }))
  .post('/', (c) => c.json({ result: 'create an author' }, 201))
  .get('/:id', (c) => c.json({ result: `get ${c.req.param('id')}` }))

const booksApp = new Hono()
  .get('/', (c) => c.json({ result: 'list books' }))
  .post('/', (c) => c.json({ result: 'create a book' }, 201))
  .get('/:id', (c) => c.json({ result: `get ${c.req.param('id')}` }))

const app = new Hono()
  .route('/authors', authorsApp)
  .route('/books', booksApp)

type AppType = typeof app

See also

Released under the MIT License.