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Alibaba Cloud Function Compute

Alibaba Cloud Function Compute is a fully managed, event-driven compute service. Function Compute allows you to focus on writing and uploading code without having to manage infrastructure such as servers.

This guide uses a third-party adapter rwv/hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter to run Hono on Alibaba Cloud Function Compute.

1. Setup

mkdir my-app
cd my-app
npm i hono hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter
npm i -D @serverless-devs/s esbuild
mkdir src
touch src/index.ts
mkdir my-app
cd my-app
yarn add hono hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter
yarn add -D @serverless-devs/s esbuild
mkdir src
touch src/index.ts
mkdir my-app
cd my-app
pnpm add hono hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter
pnpm add -D @serverless-devs/s esbuild
mkdir src
touch src/index.ts
mkdir my-app
cd my-app
bun add hono hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter
bun add -D esbuild @serverless-devs/s
mkdir src
touch src/index.ts

2. Hello World

Edit src/index.ts.

import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { handle } from 'hono-alibaba-cloud-fc3-adapter'

const app = new Hono()

app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello Hono!'))

export const handler = handle(app)

3. Setup serverless-devs

serverless-devs is an open source and open serverless developer platform dedicated to providing developers with a powerful tool chain system. Through this platform, developers can not only experience multi cloud serverless products with one click and rapidly deploy serverless projects, but also manage projects in the whole life cycle of serverless applications, and combine serverless devs with other tools / platforms very simply and quickly to further improve the efficiency of R & D, operation and maintenance.

Add the Alibaba Cloud AccessKeyID & AccessKeySecret

npx s config add
# Please select a provider: Alibaba Cloud (alibaba)
# Input your AccessKeyID & AccessKeySecret

Edit s.yaml

edition: 3.0.0
name: my-app
access: 'default'

  region: 'us-west-1'

    component: fc3
      region: ${vars.region}
      functionName: 'my-app'
      description: 'Hello World by Hono'
      runtime: 'nodejs20'
      code: ./dist
      handler: index.handler
      memorySize: 1024
      timeout: 300

Edit scripts section in package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "esbuild --bundle --outfile=./dist/index.js --platform=node --target=node20 ./src/index.ts",
    "deploy": "s deploy -y"

4. Deploy

Finally, run the command to deploy:

npm run build # Compile the TypeScript code to JavaScript
npm run deploy # Deploy the function to Alibaba Cloud Function Compute

Released under the MIT License.