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Cache Middleware

The Cache middleware uses the Web Standards' Cache API. It caches a given response according to the Cache-Control headers.

The Cache middleware currently supports Cloudflare Workers projects using custom domains and Deno projects using Deno 1.26+.

Please be aware that the Cache API is not currently supported by Deno Deploy. The caches variable, which is part of the Cache API, may not be available in the Deno Deploy environment.

See Usage below for instructions on each platform.


import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { cache } from 'hono/cache'


    cacheName: 'my-app',
    cacheControl: 'max-age=3600',
// Must use `wait: true` for the Deno runtime
    cacheName: 'my-app',
    cacheControl: 'max-age=3600',
    wait: true,


  • cacheName: string | (c: Context) => string | Promise<string> - required
    • The name of the cache. Can be used to store multiple caches with different identifiers.
  • wait: boolean
    • A boolean indicating if Hono should wait for the Promise of the cache.put function to resolve before continuing with the request. Required to be true for the Deno environment. Default is false.
  • cacheControl: string
    • A string of directives for the Cache-Control header. See the MDN docs for more information. When this option is not provided, no Cache-Control header is added to requests.
  • vary: string | string[]
    • Sets the Vary header in the response. If the original response header already contains a Vary header, the values are merged, removing any duplicates. Setting this to * will result in an error. For more details on the Vary header and its implications for caching strategies, refer to the MDN docs.
  • keyGenerator: (c: Context) => string | Promise<string> -
    • Generates keys for every request in the cacheName store. This can be used to cache data based on request parameters or context parameters. Default is c.req.url.

Released under the MIT License.