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Server-Timing Middleware

The Server-Timing Middleware provides performance metrics in the response headers.


Note: On Cloudflare Workers, the timer metrics may not be accurate, since timers only show the time of last I/O.


import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { timing, setMetric, startTime, endTime } from 'hono/timing'
import type { TimingVariables } from 'hono/timing'


// Specify the variable types to infer the `c.get('metric')`:
type Variables = TimingVariables

const app = new Hono<{ Variables: Variables }>()

// add the middleware to your router

app.get('/', async (c) => {

  // add custom metrics
  setMetric(c, 'region', 'europe-west3')

  // add custom metrics with timing, must be in milliseconds
  setMetric(c, 'custom', 23.8, 'My custom Metric')

  // start a new timer
  startTime(c, 'db');
  const data = await db.findMany(...);

  // end the timer
  endTime(c, 'db');

  return c.json({ response: data });

Conditionally enabled

const app = new Hono()

    // c: Context of the request
    enabled: (c) => c.req.method === 'POST',


Example timing output


optional total: boolean

Show the total response time. The default is true.

optional enabled: boolean | (c: Context) => boolean

Whether timings should be added to the headers or not. The default is true.

optional totalDescription: boolean

Description for the total response time. The default is Total Response Time.

optional autoEnd: boolean

If startTime() should end automatically at the end of the request. If disabled, not manually ended timers will not be shown.

optional crossOrigin: boolean | string | (c: Context) => boolean | string

The origin this timings header should be readable.

  • If false, only from current origin.
  • If true, from all origin.
  • If string, from this domain(s). Multiple domains must be separated with a comma.

The default is false. See more docs.

Released under the MIT License.