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Adapter Helper

The Adapter Helper provides a seamless way to interact with various platforms through a unified interface.


import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { env, getRuntimeKey } from 'hono/adapter'
import { Hono } from ''
import { env, getRuntimeKey } from ''


The env() function facilitates retrieving environment variables across different runtimes, extending beyond just Cloudflare Workers' Bindings.

import { env } from 'hono/adapter'

app.get('/env', (c) => {
  const { NAME } = env<{ NAME: string }>(c)
  return c.text(NAME)

Supported Runtimes:

  • Cloudflare Workers
  • Deno
  • Bun
  • Node.js
  • Vercel
  • AWS Lambda
  • Lambda@Edge

Specify the runtime

You can specify the runtime to get environment variables by passing the runtime key as the second argument.

app.get('/env', (c) => {
  const { NAME } = env<{ NAME: string }>(c, 'workerd')
  return c.text(NAME)


The getRuntimeKey() function returns the identifier of the current runtime.

app.get('/', (c) => {
  if (getRuntimeKey() === 'workerd') {
    return c.text('You are on Cloudflare')
  } else if (getRuntimeKey() === 'bun') {
    return c.text('You are on Bun')

Available Runtimes

Here are the supported runtimes, with some being inspired by WinterCG's Runtime Keys:

  • node
  • deno
  • bun
  • workerd - Cloudflare Workers
  • fastly
  • edge-light - Vercel Edge Functions
  • other

Released under the MIT License.